God's Attributes: Part One
Now, let us consider more about God, namely, His attributes. So, before we begin, what is an attribute? We could define attribute as a quality or characteristic inherent in the nature of a thing. So, given this definition, let's delve into some of God's own attributes, building on what we have seen thus far in this blog. First, as has been expounded upon in earlier posts, God is pure Being itself. He is existence by His very nature. As Saints Thomas and Augustine declared, all being is good. Evil, they argued, is the lack of goodness that should be present in a being. Take any example of an evil thing. A toothache is called an evil because it is the lack of the good (your tooth) that should be there. When a serial-killer murders someone, we call that a grave evil because humans are made to live and stay living. It is part of our very nature to seek to preserve our lives. Thus, the act of murder goes against the goodness of life; it is an action that falls short and is lacking...